Do I Hate Elden Ring? Part 3 – Stormveil

At this point I should start making sure the first post is easy to find. I wanted to be more positive then I ended up being. I really like the structure of Stormveil. I like how much there is to find. I like the environmental storytelling. I like being in and wandering around the environment. It’s just that the all the enemies that stand out, only stand out because I hate fighting them. I could excuse the Knight before the grace since, like the Black Knights from Souls, they’re there to be a challenge above and beyond the area at the moment. They’re not impossible but difficulty is the point and they’re rare enough to where they won’t get in the way. Between the bird’s absolutely demolishing any attempts to use the camera and the ulcerated tree spirit just… existing, I can’t just ignore the issues that are here. The world design and particularly the legacy dungeons still deserve all the praise they get so don’t let my criticism of one part overwhelm the good parts of the other. I think my feelings on the game are ultimately going to boil down to how much the game let’s me spend time interacting with the things I like about it but there’s only one hundred hours or so of gaming before I know. Yay!?

On a more directly positive note. This is where I really started to improve my audio editing. My mic should be clearer and I learned what background audio is. So now there’s music playing in the background with no interrupting audio spikes. It’s only going to get better from here.

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